Fulfillment - Auto Send
Nicholas Guttormson avatar
Written by Nicholas Guttormson
Updated over a week ago

In this article, we'll walk through how to set up and use the Auto Send feature in Fulfillment.

What is Auto Send?

Auto Send will create and send return documents automatically after a one-time configuration in preferences. Free up time for you and your team to focus on what really matters. Auto Send is available for Order Acknowledgements and Invoices.

Why would I use Auto Send?

Order Acknowledgements

Order Acknowledgements are critical so your customer knows if and how you can fulfill an Order. If you always acknowledge Orders in full with no changes, let Fulfilment send them on your behalf.

Auto Acknowledgements will trigger as soon as an Order is received.


If you always ship in full, get paid faster by having Fulfillment send Invoices on your behalf.

Auto Invoices will trigger as soon as a shipment is received by your customer.

Auto Send Invoice is recommended for Dropship Orders where short shipping is unlikely to occur.

How to set up and use Auto Send

Using Auto Sourcing, complete required fields with the information that will be the same every time you send the document.

Check out the article on Auto Sourcing to learn how to complete this step. Auto Sourcing can be used to make document creation more efficient for more than just the Auto Send feature.

Once all required fields for your document are set to Auto Source into new documents, activate the Auto Send toggle. If you haven't completed Auto Sourcing for all recommended fields, a warning will appear under Auto Sourcing Progress alerting you to missing information.

Click on the alert to complete the missing fields.

Error Notifications

If a triggered Auto Send document is unable to successfully be sent, be notified so you can take action.

Actionable Insights

Two Actionable Insights will show Auto Send documents that need your attention. You can customize the Actionable Insights that show on the Dashboard tab. Learn how in the Actionable Insight article.

Auto Send Error - Documents that attempted to Auto Send but errored in the process.

Auto Send Warning - Documents that were unable to Auto Send because of missing data.

Email Notification

Create a custom email notification so the correct user is alerted when an Auto Send document is unsuccessful. Check out the Email Notifications article to learn more.

More Information

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